the making of ‘here in my home’ is now available for download on this site. this version is slightly different from the one seen on hitz tv recently. it contains interview footage that explains the background of the project and what it hopes to achieve. the download time will be longer, but its worth the wait. promise. go check it out!
you will also find a zip folder in the ‘others’ section of the download page containing 3 mafu wallpaper [each in 3 different sizes] designed by dora chua. have fun. other than that, we’ll be uploading recording stems soon - so stayed tuned!!
I really love the song
Can you put up the lyric please! TQ!
Thanks for creating such a great song for the whole Malaysian! I’m proud of it..
dini - lyrics can be downloaded in the ‘others’ section of the download page.
Ee Shiuan - it is our pleasure. please help us spread the word. ok?
I\’m really proud of u all. I hv been touch by all of u and will be sharing this with all my friends. Keep it going!
Great effort guys….
It warms n touches my heart!
I’m touched deeply in my heart, speechless.
I felt the love. truly. T_T
I love you all.
hi pete,
its great to c what u guys have been doing. thats the spirit of malaysian. we r proud to c all this happening, its so touched. im posting the video n the banner on my blog. bravo….SALUTE!
TQ you for a great song!!! We need this long time ago. Attached the video at my blog.
I am proud here in my home.
Have put up the video in my blog.
I’m proud to be a MalaysiaN!
i really love this song, and can it be embedded to my blog?
i just want to spread my love to music and of course malaysaia,
how can i embedded it in my blog?..
everyone - thanks so much for the messages. the team really appreciate your effort. let’s take our message to more people, ok?
kimi - to use our banners, go to the download page. scroll down. pick banner u like, copy and paste the codes for them on you blog or site. NOTE: we’ll be putting up multi-language banners very soon for everyone to use.
to embed the video, just press ‘menu’ below then copy the youtube embed codes and paste on your blog or site.
this is very cool. and they title is great \"Here in MY home\", MY as in mine and also the MY as in the short for Malaysia on cyberspace (* I first heard this song on and arrived at this site thru a facebook posting. and i have posted it out to all my 100 facebook friends since then. i am not suprised if this video completed travelling the whole world via facebook in a week\’s time.
great selection of faces on the video, i am sure any Malaysian will be able to identify at least one face in there.
thanks admin~
and i do have the right to put it in my blog right?
icho - thanks. keep spreading ok?

kimi - of course u can embed it. you’d be helping the project. please tell as many people as you can.
Admin,i love this song sooo much. I heard it once when i went out to buy \’nasi lemak\’ in the middle of the night and i started calling my friends to ask them if they know the name of this song and they all dont know about it. Right after i got back from the stall i straight away search for this song. And FINNALLLLLYYY i got it! Hahaha! This song is currently set to be my ringtone on my cell! Whooo Hooo! Support Malaysian music industries! Go Malaysia! And i\’m so damn proud to be a Malaysia! I L-O-V-E MALAYSIA!!
Thanks to all the Artistes who have made this song to be a strong Malaysian song. I Love you guys!!
What a great song. Just add this in my fotopages.
how about celcom user? no caller ringtone….. huwaaaaa
It’s simply awesome. This helps people to realise what unity means & how it can benefit out lifestyle. Have already added to my blog.
Ariff Razin, thank you for sharing your passion, now we know for sure that all those friend who doesn’t know about the song, will now know where to download it or watch it
Izahaz, other than Maxis or Hotlink, I think they are also still working out a way to see how they can provide that service, so maybe la…
waahh… dats a big file man… 250MB?
i hope it is HQ 1.. :E
awesome song!awesome video too.
really did touched me.
added this website to my blog.
yo.. great song dude!! love it to pieces!!!
Cool and meaningful song. I will surely place a link to the video.
Great work guys!!!!
hey, really interested in the music video you guys presented. how can we participate in any activities like these in the near future? i don’t mind volunteering in these kind of events (:
everybody - thanks for all the kind words!
about ‘making of’ - a few having written to say that they’ve been getting incomplete downloads of the 640×480 quicktime version of ‘making of’. we have not gotten to why this should happen and suspect it may be isp connection timeout related. please let me know if it happens to you.
one song etc - not sure when or if another chance to do this will present itself given how busy everyone is (you have no idea how much of a miracle it is to pull this off). but we will make announcement via this site if anything were to happen in the future (so - subscribe to our newsfeed!). thanks for offering to help. given another chance, we will try and get as many involved as possible.
but why wait for us? our entire approach to this has been one that hopes people will grab the resources in the download section (karoake mixes, stems etc) and then do their own version of the project. hell, it doesn’t even have to be based on our song or video - you can do an entirely different thing if u like - and we’ll try our best to help. the key is this - unity in our country should be something everyone work for and not a ‘MAFU’ thing alone. so, just get a few friends and so your own thing - that way, you are not subject to our schedules and limitations. cool?
azahaz - caller ringtones not available on celcom and digi simply because they cannot (for technical reasons or otherwise) provide completely free downloads like Maxis (i.e. they will charge data transmission even if the download itself is free). due to the potential bad PR that might arise for them (i.e. if a bunch of barely surviving artistes can do this for free, how can a rich telco charge revenue?), we have advised against participation by parties that cannot do ‘absolutely’ free downloads.
Hello, Starboykb from Brunei. Love your songs and wish you all a great success!!!
i love it too. i’m touched & truly proud to be anak Malaysia.
is in my blog now too.
love the song so song in workplace.while driving.while you all so much.oso already put ur link in my blog.
peacetothewrold =)
I really lluuurveee this song. I can’t stop from listening to this song again & again, for the whole day, everyday!! After listening to this song, I realized that no matter what we are - our race, religion, skin colour, we are Malaysian. As Malaysian, we do care for each other. And I’m proud to be Malaysian.
To Pete: I don’t know which angel come and approach you, but thanks a lot for such a lovely song.
thanks everyone! all linked.
Fantastic song. Proud to be a Malaysian. Blows the mind of many westerners, just thinking they know about Malaysia through news alone. This is the real Malaysia and its people.
I read that it’s allowed to do remix of the song? Without Copyright Infringement and royalty payments? Is it true?
lil gun - yes, no rights will be infringed. and no royalty needs to be paid - PROVIDED that your version is not used for commercial or profit-making activity. cool?
Ya, that’s for sure! Man I just love songs that represent Malaysia and Malaysian!
good job! nice song! *thumbs up* i had been studying in Japan for 5yrs, sadly not that much indians(i only met one PHD guy though) there… anyway i can still mix with those Malays well, except the religion, we completely hang out together peacefully… guess my friends who still studying/working in Japan would be glad to enjoy that video =)
Assalamu alaikum,
Unity for peace and freedom,
Jazakallahu khairan, god bless.
Well done guys!,
To be among friends, calling for unity
Certainly is noble effort indeed.
Congrats & Wasallam.
thanks for that guys!
wat a beautiful song!!! although im in Australia, Malaysia is still my HOME. love the song and thankz for the download.
Man… I never know that Malaysia That Rock…
Making such song… I hope there’s more song coming out…
Hope to hear for the news…
One Love Is All About!!!
Live Together,Grow Together & Stay Strong Together!!!
Keep On Going All Malaysian!!!
Make a Better Place for Living…
I love the song, the downloads and I love the idea behind this song. This is a really great way to express the wishes and dreams of Malaysians… Thanks a lot, guys….
Specially to Pete, well done and way to go…
hi guys! great song, great video, great spirit! congratulations! i already embed the video in my blog.. can’t wait for the next song! there is a “next song” right?
thanks for that guys.
chun - u been linked!
thank for your good work!!! im very touched !! finally i can tell my friends that malaysia is paradise. people are working for common good there!! very sweet! felt the urge to return to my tanah tumpah darah! thank again!
syabas malaysia!!
out of word choices to express my feelings..
only 1 important thing..
we’re proud to be malaysians..
thank you MAFU..
you’re the best..
wow…such a very good video…I like it…I want toembed it but where’s is the codes????
do’nt u watch the versi ciplak quickie by pete teo…(can watch at…Quickie 30 August…)
Yeah.. i did put in my phone, and send to every of my fren. i said morning listen to it once, afternoon listen to it once and before sleeping listen to it once to be blessed. haha.. crap~
But it’s happy that can get it in RedBox as well, still learning the tamil rap part.. haha
greetings from the land of hornbills~! i’m really touched by the song, very beautiful indeed! have been introducing it to all my friends during this few days, and i’ve embed ‘the making’ parts onto my page too
it is a chinese site, so i assume people from china, hk, taiwan will listen to this song too, let the world know about malaysian unity!
Hey, I would like to thank all of you for this cool song.
Thanks for the free downloads, too.
You guys ROCK!
greetings… very nice video you have there! cool!! i\’ve upload it to my facebook… will update later in my other websites..
keep up d good work!